Forest Grove Christian Church

3881 Hadensville-Fife Road

Goochland, Virginia 23063

(804) 457-3612


Copyright @ Forest Grove Christian Church. All rights reserved.

For the latest updates and/or announcements check out our Facebook Page:

Welcome! Whether you came upon our website accidentally or intentionally, we are glad that you are here! The Forest Grove Christian Church - located in Hadensville, Virginia (western part of Goochland County) - is a congregation that has existed for many years (established in 1859!) Throughout those many years, FGCC has always strived to be a “beacon of hope” to those looking for it!  Why not visit us and see for yourself?

​​Service Times:
Please join us live at the Church at the times listed below or stream the morning message on the FGCC Facebook page after 11:00 AM.  Social distancing and masks are available.
Sunday School (for all ages) @ 9:45 AM
Morning Worship Service @ 11:00 AM

(Nursery & Junior Church available)

Forest Grove Christian Church